sculptures, portrait sculptures, bronze busts, facial reconstruction, public art, freedom statue, soul portrait 00/36-20-535-21-66

- When I make a portrait-sculpture, I put an emphasis on shapeing the caracter,'s spirituality and soul. First I study in depth the person's works or writings or anything that is important about them.

I have made many outdoor bronze busts for public places of cities. For example: Hódmezővásárhely, Dabas, Budapest, Kiskőrös, Taksony, Budakeszi, Eger, Orosháza, Rimaszombat, Debrecen...

I work on indoor portraits as well. These sculptures can be made expressive or in calm tone, depending on the mood of the enterieur.
- Somethimes organizations ask me to make plaques or prizes about important or famous persons. For examlpe: plaque for the medical treatment or prize for the education.

- I make reliefs and memorial boards and armorials as well in different sizes that can be displayed on the walls of houses or institutions, symbolizing the memorials.

Facial reconstruction
I make antropological facial reconstructions for museums from skull.

- You can find my full-shape sculptures or statues in the streets or public places of cities. They can be placed on benches in parks in fountains or in gardens.

- I take orders for monuments and memorials as well.
Process of the art work

First I make the sculpture in my mind. When the spiritual work is ready, I prepare a strong base from steel wires, timber, textile or other materials. Then I model the figure in clay. After that a silicon form is made, then a gipsum-negative, a wax-pozitive and bronze will appear at the and of a long way, still the investment cast. Then comes the antique patina, and we stabilize the creation. Finally the sculpture is ready.
You can have an impression of my works in this galery.
Gábor Emese